admit it. I’m confused. It was just announced that, following in the footsteps
of Germany, Hungary, Greece, Luxembourg, Austria and Bulgaria, food-friendly France
became the latest member of the European nations to prohibit the planting of U.S.
giant Monsanto’s Genetically Modified (GMO) seeds. Huh? And it seems that Russia, Brazil, China,
Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand all require labels for GM
foods. And Japan, Ireland, and Egypt have even decided to ban all GMO foods. What? Why is this not front page news?
Genetically Modified Organisms simply refers to the
manipulation of DNA by humans to change the essential makeup of plants and
animals. Frankenfoods is the
affectionate term used to describe GMO crops. While the initial lofty goals
might have been increased production in hungry nations, or having weed killer
resistant seeds (Monsanto’s Roundup) in the lazy ones, enough time has passed since
their introduction that we now have creditable research showing that the side
effects of Monsanto’s GMO strategy are among the most deadly and dangerous present
threats to our world.
has put at risk the very seed diversity of our planet by spreading GMO
contaminated pollen in the centers of origin of critical food crops, and has
patented the very commons of humanity, i.e. the seeds themselves. The very
existence of organic farming in the U.S. has been threatened through
widespread, uncontrollable airborne GM contamination. Our soil and water
resources are contaminated with highly toxic glyphosate herbicide through Monsanto’s
Roundup-Ready GMO seed system. There
are high abortion rates and low fertility in cattle (and horses, pigs, sheep,
and poultry) that have been traced to GM Roundup Ready soy in animal feed. And
let’s not forget soy-consuming humans. Additionally the existence of the
Monarch butterfly in the U.S. is endangered by the promotion of large increases
in the use of their herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) that has completely
eliminated the milkweed plant in many states upon which the butterflies depend
for reproduction and food. And, what about our bees?? And the super weeds and
Bt resistant insects that are inadvertently created with the over application
of herbicides and the Bt toxin that result from the application of these GMO
Non-GMO Corn, OAXACA, Mexico |
The economic viability of the entire U.S. agricultural system is
endangered by vigorous distribution of inadequately tested GMO species that are
being rejected right and left by key international markets. Monsanto has intimidated
U.S. farmers with lawsuits that make it too economically risky for farmers to
save and improve their own seeds from one year to the next. Attorneys for
Monsanto have pushed for risky farmer contract arrangements that are causing
hopeless indebtedness, and even causing high rates of suicides among farmers in
some developing countries when GMO’s don’t produce as advertised in new
environments. Imagine, if you can,
the millions of small farmers around the world who won’t be able to save seeds
to feed their families because of vigorous enforcement of GMO patents, or even
afford to buy Monsanto seeds at four times the price, these farmers that live
on $2 a day or less.
Testing for these relationships between skyrocketing food allergy and
chronic disease rates has become nearly impossible, and the consumption of
foods containing GMO´s is also impossible to track due to the ferocious
lobbying against GMO labeling on foods.
This serves to keep us in the dark about the entire issue. In 2009 the American
Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on physicians to educate their
patients to avoid GM (genetically modified) foods when. GM corn and cotton are
engineered to produce their own built-in pesticide in every cell. The Institute for Responsible
Technology recently discussed the only published human feeding study, which revealed what may be the most dangerous
problem of all from GM foods. The gene inserted into GM soy or corn transfers
into the DNA of bacteria living inside our intestines and continues to
function. This means that long after we stop eating GMOs, we may still have
potentially harmful GM proteins produced continuously inside of us. More simply
put, eating a corn chip produced from Bt corn might transform our intestinal bacteria
into living pesticide factories, possibly for the rest of our lives. GM foods just
might be colonizing the gut flora of North Americans, where 80 percent of our immune system resides. And then?
Beautiful Native, Heritage Corn, Nochixtlan, OAX., MX |
Organic growing techniques can
mitigate global warming, and it’s now clear that organic farming can benefit
anyone, on any continent. A recent report of the UN Human Rights
Commission on the right to food estimates that we can double food production in
10 years with agro-ecological farming techniques, in spite of Monsanto’s major myth that organic-farming methods can’t
produce enough food to feed the world.
But unless you grow your own food, or eat
100% organic, you are consuming these scientifically modified foods almost daily
as they are not labeled here. YET. Genetically modified crops now
include sweet corn, peppers, squash and zucchini, potatoes, rice, sugar cane, sugar
beets, rapeseed (for canola oil), flax, chicory, peas and papaya. About 25% of
the milk in the United States comes from cows injected with a GM hormone, honey
comes from bees buzzing in GM fields. The Department of Agriculture says that
in 2010, as much as 86 percent of corn, up to 90 percent of all soybeans and nearly
93 percent of cotton were GM varieties!!! Which means that most of our
store-bought tortillas are riddled with it…. (GM pigs and salmon are next,
folks……no joke.)
What to do? Experts agree that about our
only power at this point against this giant corporation (that also brought us
Agent Orange, DDT, PCB’s and dioxins) is to force the labeling of GMO foods,
and then to not purchase them. We
need to support our local growers who refuse to use genetically modified seeds and
GM drugs on their livestock. We
need to ban Roundup, NOT use it to clean our precious acequias. We can help support California (and Connecticut) organizers
who are gathering signatures for the historic
2012 California Right2Know/Label GMOs ballot initiative for
voter approval this fall. As goes California, so goes the nation. If GMOs ultimately fail, shareholders in
Monsanto, (and other biotech companies such as Bayer and Syngenta) will see
their investments drop like a lead balloon. So plan ahead -- pull out of funds
which invest in Monsanto. If you are a gardener, save your seeds. Do our own
research. Oh yeah, and write op-ed
pieces to your local paper….and hope they get published.
If all the countries in the world, our own included, slam the door shut on
GMO’s before it’s too late, we might have a chance of gaining back control of
the future of our seeds, our food, our health and our planet. Wake up, people!
© Judith Cooper Haden
Santa Fe, NM
All Photos © Judith Haden Photography.com
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